
Pathological basis of cancer

Pathological basis of cancer

Cancer arises from an accumulation of mutations within a cell that can lead to disrupted cell function, dysregulation of cell growth, and malignancy. The process of carcinogenesis can be viewed as consisting of three stages, initiation, promotion, and progression.

Initiation: characterized by DNA damage and the development of a permanent gene mutation. Such mutations can be brought about by a variety of factors such as viruses or environmental damage [radiation, chemical carcinogens etc.]

Promotion: subsequent exposure to one or more promoting agents after a cell has undergone damage or initiation. Promoting agents can cause the mutated cells to grow, proliferate, and develop into tumors. Promoters include some tobacco carcinogens, environmental pollutants, drugs, and hormones.

Progression: involves both mutagenic and non-mutagenic effects leading to morphological changes and increasingly malignant features such as invasion, metastases, and drug resistance.


mesothelioma cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, cancer

Mesothelioma Introduction

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. With rare exceptions, most mesothelioma cancers are considered malignant mesothelioma. The two major types of malignant mesothelioma are pleural mesothelioma, which concerns the mesothelium membrane that surrounds the lungs, and peritoneal mesothelioma which concerns the mesothelium layer that covers the organs in the abdominal cavity. The prognosis, therapy [including types of chemotherapy] and treatment choices are similar whether the cancer is pleural mesothelioma or peritoneal mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Treatments and Therapies

Standard treatment for all but localized mesothelioma is generally not curative.1 Surgery and radiotherapy have a limited role in highly selected mesothelioma patients and chemotherapy is the only potential treatment option for the majority of people diagnosed with mesothelioma. Sometimes, these mesothelioma therapies are combined. Despite activity of some chemotherapy, the results are still modest, with a median survival of approximately one year. For individual patients, treatment for mesothelioma depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and general health. The only FDA approved chemotherapy for malignant pleural mesothelioma [in combination with cisplatin] is pemetrexed [Alimta]. In the key clinical trial that led to its approval for mesothelioma, Alimta was combined with another chemotherapy drug [cisplatin] and compared with cisplatin alone. The median survival for the patients who received both chemotherapy drugs was 12.1 months versus 9.3 months for mesothelioma patients who only received cisplatin.2

Mesothelioma Prognosis and Survival

In general the prognosis of mesothelioma is poor and most studies report median survival of less than a year. However, there are long term mesothelioma survivors [both pleural and peritoneal survivors] who have survived more than 10 years. In fact, in one mesothelioma study, doctors writing about the prognosis of mesothelioma explained that long-term mesothelioma survivors do exist and their prognosis may be independent of the treatment or therapies pursued.3 If this is true, it would suggest that mesothelioma prognosis and survival may be more dependent on individual differences among patients [and perhaps the non-conventional therapies they use] and less dependent upon conventional mesothelioma treatments.

Symptoms of Mesothelioma

Shortness of breath and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleura are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and abdominal pain and swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen. Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms of mesothelioma may include pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.

Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Diagnosing mesothelioma is often difficult, because the symptoms are similar to those of a number of other conditions. Diagnosis begins with a review of the patient's medical history and a complete physical examination may be performed, including x-rays of the chest or abdomen and lung function tests. A CT scan or an MRI may also be useful. A biopsy is often used to confirm a diagnosis of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is described as localized if the cancer is found only on the membrane surface where it originated. It is classified as advanced if the mesothelioma has spread beyond the original membrane surface to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs.

Incidence & Risk Factors

Over 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age. Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in the majority of cases. However, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos.

Asbestos and Mesothelioma

Asbestos is the name of a group of minerals that occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers that can be separated into thin threads and woven. Asbestos has been widely used in many industrial products, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation. If tiny asbestos particles float in the air, especially during the manufacturing process, they may be inhaled or swallowed, and can cause serious health problems. In addition to mesothelioma, exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, asbestosis (a noncancerous, chronic lung ailment), and other cancers, such as those of the larynx and kidney. There is evidence that family members and others living with people exposed to asbestos have an increased risk of developing mesothelioma, and possibly other asbestos-related diseases. This risk may be the result of exposure to asbestos dust brought home on the clothing and hair of asbestos workers.